
Let’s get into some of the deeper details of Chord and Scale construction. The Interval is the relationship between two tones. Intervals exist between notes in Time, and Space. These are the same interval: a Major Third, G – B The intervals are named by...

Major Scales & The Keyboard

Finally! We get to the Keyboard. I think it’s good for beginners in music to learn to see and think of music as something separate from the actual physical instrument, that’s why I haven’t included any visual keyboard aids until now. The best way to...

Basics of Musical Notation

I hope this lesson will be helpful for beginners in reading & writing Music. Let’s start with a String. We find strings on all sorts of wonderful musical instruments, from the Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Guitars both Acoustic and Electric, Harps, Dulcimers,...

The 12 Keys

It’s OK if you weren’t able to grasp everything from the previous lesson.  It’s important to introduce you to the ideas before we explore them in depth, so the more you continue with the lessons the more you’ll understand and everything becomes easy! To Start,...


Here are some of the great composers throughout history.   Have a listen!   Pre-Bach/Renaissance mostly Vocal Music in Counterpoint. Palestrina, Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Gabrieli, Thomas Tallis, Hildegard von Bingen   Bach & The Baroque J.S. Bach, Domenico...